
Душевнобольные (2008)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 15М

Директор : Kazuhiro Soda

Краткое содержание

Фильм-наблюдение показывает жизнь маленького учреждения амбулаторной помощи душевнобольным в префектуре Окаяма. Представлена как работа врача, так и усилия социальных работников, осуществляющих помощь на дому, а также групповая работа с пациентами и поддержка в их трудоустройстве и проведении досуга. В центре внимания автора, с одной стороны, страх общества перед душевнобольными, а с другой стороны, их страдания, связанные с изоляцией и чувством собственной неполноценности, а также самоотверженность людей, которые посвятили свою жизнь помощи психически больным. Важное место в фильме занимает понимание благодарности и ценности жизни.



Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Director of Photography
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kiyoko Kashiwagi
Kiyoko Kashiwagi


When Harvard PhD student Jennifer Brea is struck down at 28 by a fever that leaves her bedridden, doctors tell her it’s "all in her head." Determined to live, she sets out on a virtual journey to document her story—and four other families' stories—fighting a disease medicine forgot.
Framing Britney Spears
Her rise was a global phenomenon. Her downfall was a cruel national sport. People close to Britney Spears and lawyers tied to her conservatorship now reassess her career as she battles her father in court over who should control her life.
Crownsville Hospital: From Lunacy to Legacy
Crownsville Hospital: From Lunacy to Legacy is a feature-length documentary film highlighting the history of the Crownsville State Mental Hospital in Crownsville, MD.
Solitaire Dance
Three perspectives on loneliness, how it feels and how it can be survived: “If I could just dance with somebody once more.”
Two Ways Home
Soul-touching and moving, TWO WAYS HOME compassionately follows Kathy (Tanna Frederick), a woman newly diagnosed with bipolar disorder who is released from prison on good behavior and returns to her country home in Iowa to reconnect with her estranged 12-year-old daughter (Rylie Behr) and her cantankerous elderly grandfather (Tom Bower). Her return home is turbulent and a rough, unwelcome transition in which Kathy must come to terms with her diagnosis and its implications on her identity, while also realizing that her family was happier when she was gone. Conflict with her family intensifies as she struggles to keep her head above water, putting her self-worth and well-being to the ultimate test.
Солдат Джейн
Лейтенант Джордан О`Нил становится первой женщиной, направленной для прохождения элитной программы в центре подготовки «Каталано» во Флориде.Лучшие представители спецподразделений армии США отбираются сюда. 60 процентов из них не выдерживают в этом аду. Школа выживания и уничтожения… Ты должна выстоять, О`Нил!
Хорошо быть тихоней
История о Чарли, ученике старшей школы в Питтсбурге, стеснительном и непопулярном. На наших глазах Чарли взрослеет, меняется круг его общения, меняется его мнение о мире.
Манчестер у моря
Ленивый и безответственный сантехник Ли после внезапной смерти брата назначен опекуном своего племянника-подростка. Возвращение в родной город даёт новый ход трагедии, сокрытой в его прошлом.
Downfalls High
When reserved and lonely teenager Fenix meets popular high school girl Scarlett, the two form a bond that shapes the rest of his life.
Горе-отец недавно расстался с женой, которая запретила их сыну быть тем, кем он хочет, поэтому Трой решает сбежать со своим транс-сыном в самую глушь Монтаны.
Génération COVID
Психологическая драма, в которой раскрывается одна из важнейших проблем современного мира, когда, несмотря на казалось бы нормальное течение профессиональной и личной жизни, человек вдруг ощущает одиночество и бессмысленность своего существования. Будучи знаменитой актрисой, госпожа Фоглер внезапно замолкает прямо во время спектакля и с тех пор перестает разговаривать со всеми. Пребывание в больнице показывает, что психически она здорова. Медсестра Альма должна вывести ее из этого состояния, и они отправляются вдвоем к морю, где им предстоит нелегкие дни общения.
Восставший из ада 6: Поиски ада
Спустя месяц после автокатастрофы, когда Тревор пришел в себя, выясняется, что тело его жены Кирсти так и не было найдено! Он возвращается к работе, но с ним начинают происходить ужасные вещи. Тревор оказывается в адском лабиринте, где непостижимым кошмаром сплелись жизнь и смерть. И он должен заплатить цену прежде, чем узнает ответ…
Он был тихоней
У Боба Маконэля как обычно паршивый день. Очередные восемь часов прозябания в унылом сером кабинете, обычное игнорирование всеми сотрудниками… Его нет. Он не существует. Этот день выдался особенно паршивым. Внезапные события переворачивают жизнь Боба и он спасает некую Ванессу от смерти. Но хотела ли она этого? А он? И что им теперь делать?
Фокс Рич, неукротимый матриарх и современный сторонник отмены смертной казни, стремится сохранить свою семью, борясь за освобождение заключенного в тюрьму мужа. Интимная, эпическая и нетрадиционная история любви, снятая на протяжении двух десятилетий.
Преимущества путешествий поездами
Импозантный мужчина в поезде знакомится с молодой женщиной по имени Хельга Пато. Он представляется психиатром Анхелем Санагустином и рассказывает о самом кошмарном случае из своей практики – истории параноика. Она скорее напоминает причудливые сказки «Тысячи и одной ночи», но оказывается лишь началом череды поразительных происшествий, погружающих Хельгу в водоворот безумия, перверсий и маний.
While former paramedic Emily tries to live a low-key life to cope with her PTSD, her new roommate has other plans, and a long-held vendetta against medical personnel.
Дом страха
Молодой и энергичный врач приезжает на практику в полузаброшенную психиатрическую клинику, которую вскоре потрясают два зверских убийства. Во сне он видит призрак мертвого мальчика, зовущего в лабиринты коридоров клиники… Отважный доктор Кларк решает, во что бы это ни стало, разобраться в происходящем… А поможет ему загадочный пациент палаты 44, которая находится в подвале больницы.
Alex Anna’s body is a canvas: her scars come to life to tell a new story of self-harming.
What About ME?
Inside the dramatic search for a cure to ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). 17 million people around the world suffer from what ME/CFS has been known as a mystery illness, delegated to the psychological realm, until now. A scientist in the only neuro immune institute in the world may have come up with the answer. An important human drama, plays out on the quest for the truth.


School Trip
The class of a normal German school travel to a small village in Poland near the sea where no action of any kind can take place. Due to this fact they focus on themselves. Especially one girl, Isa, has to choose between two boys who are fighting against each other. Then a final "test" is made to come to a decision... a test with final results.
Agonizing in Crime
The same day of their marriage, Jean's wife dies of a strange ailment in the middle of surgery. Afflicted by the loss, the young man abandons his medical studies and takes refuge in the memories of his time of courtship. At the same time that this happens, a wave of murders shakes the city with the same pattern of behavior: the victims are surgery students whose bodies have had both hands amputated.
I Love Vienna
I love Vienna is a social comedy that explores the clash of cultures and values.
Cruel Gun Story
Businessmen arrange the early release from prison of Togawa, serving time for taking revenge on the truck driver whose carelessness confined Togawa's sister, Rie, to a wheelchair. They want Togawa to hijack an armored truck loaded with 120 million yen; their leverage is to promise him money for surgery for Rie. Togawa consents and plans the heist with three others. The plan is solid, but it doesn't go smoothly. Togawa must improvise, there are traitors somewhere, and double-crosses mount. Can Togawa escape with enough money to help his sister and ensure a passage out of Japan?
My Name Is Salt
Year after year, just after the monsoon season has finished, thousands of families travel to a bleak desert in Gujerat, India, where they will stay for an endless eight months and extract salt from the earth, using the same painstaking, manual techniques as generations before them. Director Farida Pacha spent a season with one of these families, observing the very particular rhythms of their lives.
Eldridge Cleaver, Black Panther
The portrait of Eldridge Cleaver, the "Minister of Information" for the Black Panthers movement, in exile in Algiers.
Polluting Paradise
Villagers in Turkey's Black Sea village of Camburnu struggle with the government's decision to turn their community into a garbage dump.
How to Live in the German Federal Republic
A series of 32 short scenes, uniformly set in West German instructional and training classes, that show various tasks among the citizenry being done solely as the result of exhaustive preparation - everything from women preparing to give birth, to strippers stripping, to policemen making arrests. Farocki uses the material to savagely dissect the West German mode of life. ~ Nathan Southern, Rovi
The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World
Paul Otlet was a Belgian, *1868, died 1944, who perfected the Dewey Classification system as "the Universal Decimal Classification", in his lifetime alone totalling 17 million index cards of human knowledge.
At the height of Reign of Terror Maximilien Robespierre orchestrates the trial and execution of several of his fellow leading French revolutionaries including Georges Danton.
Bad Company
It is 1980. Sadatomo is at a secondary school in a small town. His parents barely take any notice of him. The strict teacher Kobayashi has hung up a 'humanity index' in the classroom, divided into the categories 'delinquents', 'scum' and 'people'. In each category he has hung name-cards of pupils. One day Kobayashi finds out that Sadatomo and his friends have stolen some things from a shop for fun. Their fathers are informed and as punishment, the children have to write a 'self-critical' essay of no less than thirty pages. For the first time, Sadatomo is beaten by his father. Shocked, he writes a piece entitled 'I am an onion', in which the teacher thinks he can detect a first sign of humanity. That is the start of a confusing situation in which it gets hard to distinguish lies, truth, justified self-criticism and opportunist wheeler dealing, even for the boys.
The Moon by Our Teeth
The film follows William, thirty-ish, out of work and looking for a new life after apparently having been thrown out of his previous one. He meets up with Noelle, who seems intrigued by his restlessness - until her economist boyfriend shows up. Yet plot details do little to convey the power of the film, which lay in its capturing the anarchic texture of William's life - a life whose lack of direction was read as a rebuke of the Swiss myth of orderliness and self-satisfaction. With his roots in documentary, Soutter excelled at creating a loose, vibrant cinema, full of quick zooms and dynamic hand-held shots, with dialogue that often alternated between outright quotations and stylized interviews.
Иван Дунаев — человек созидающий, он механизм, который запускает вокруг себя все жизненные процессы. Его можно назвать героем, но его героизм — не в совершении подвига, и не в принесении себя в жертву, а в его ежедневной, монотонной деятельности в течение всей жизни. В то же время — это фильм о мужской любви — к земле, к сыну, к дочери, к женщине. Он о трудном выборе своего пути и понимании долга — перед землей, страной, перед всеми предшествующими поколениями.
This tragic drama shows a young man fettered by Bushido, the way of the Samurai, who tried to escape the chains of his position, but was being forced to die. When the Tokugawa Shogunate ruled the land, Tatsuno castle in Wakisaka Clan's home of Harima held an established custom, the inspection of the arms warehouse. The Government Inspector Okuno Magodayu found a slight bit of dirt on the point of a spear and mentioned it with disdain. Ezaki Shinpachi heard it and started an argument with him. Magodayu then sent a a letter of challenge to him because he felt insulted by a low-ranking underling without a title. As it turned out Magodayu was killed. Since then, Shinpachi and the Okuno family have had continuous revenge duels. The tension mounts as this story builds to an extremely violent climax, when blood must pay for blood if the clan is to survive!
El camino de las hormigas
Four nights in Caracas. A documentary essay about chaos and civilization.
The Wrecker
The Wrecker is a British film that tells the story of a crook who organises train crashes to discredit the railway, in favour of a rival bus company. The stunts in this film were groundbreaking for 1920s British cinema A scene wich has been discribed as "the most spectacular rail crash in cinema history" was recorded by 22 cameras.
Can and his girlfriend, Jale, live with their young daughter, Meral, in a tough Turkish neighbourhood of Berlin and barely manage to scrape enough money together for their existence. Can is a small-time dealer and errand-boy for drug boss Hakan, who has to keep his customers supplied within his narrowly staked out territory. Jale, who works in the ware-house of a department store, has been pressing Can to give up this activity. Can, also fed up with his situation, sees a bright new beginning for himself and his family when Hakan offers him the prospective chance to run a bar on his very own. But Can has little control over the pressures that gradually begin to build up around him and soon finds himself floundering in quicksand.
The Shining Trench of Chairman Gonzalo
A recreation of one day at the Canto Grande prison in Peru, following women guerrillas from the Maoist Shining Path movement in their morning marches to their bedtime chants. Kept isolated in their own cellblocks, the guerrillas refused to acknowledge that were imprisoned. Their cellblocks were another front in the People's War: "shining trenches of combat". This film shows the intense indoctrination and belief system of the brutal Latin American insurgency.
A presidential advisor discovers that the President has assembled a secret army of vigilantes to suppress dissent and is setting up concentration camps in which to imprison protestors, hippies and other "social undesirables."
The Art Star and the Sudanese Twins
A performance artist works tirelessly to fulfill her dream of adopting Sudanese twins, placing her marriage and career at risk in this documentary.