
Mannan (1992)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 42M

Director : P. Vasu
Escritor : P. Vasu


Circumstances force the union leader of a factory to marry his own boss, a rich and arrogant lady who has ulterior motives.


Shanthi Devi
Pandari Bai
Pandari Bai
Parvathy Amma
Prathapa Chandran
Prathapa Chandran
Sharat Saxena
Sharat Saxena
V. K. Ramasamy
V. K. Ramasamy
Meena's Father
Ennatha Kannaiya
Ennatha Kannaiya
Rajinikanth's co-worker
Prabhu Ganesan
Prabhu Ganesan
Uday Prakash
Uday Prakash
Vellai Subbaiah
Vellai Subbaiah
LIC Narasimhan
LIC Narasimhan


P. Vasu
P. Vasu
Thotta Tharani
Thotta Tharani
Art Direction
P. Mohanraj
P. Mohanraj
Ashok Kumar Agarwal
Ashok Kumar Agarwal
Director of Photography
Original Music Composer
Prabhu Ganesan
Prabhu Ganesan
P. Vasu
P. Vasu
P. Vasu
P. Vasu
P. Vasu
P. Vasu
Playback Singer

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