
His Truth Is Marching On (2002)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 13M

Director : Shin Jae-in


A man makes a troublesome incidence in the hospital, court and church on behalf of truth. He aserts that his month will pour out only the truth, nothing but the truth and everyone shall be drowned to death by his truth. There's medicl accident, a court fuss, and at last the church is submerging in his truth. However...


Hong Seung-hwan
Hong Seung-hwan
Jung In-gi
Jung In-gi
Pastor / Detective
Kwon Taek-Ki
Kwon Taek-Ki
Judge / Detective
Jo Si-nae
Jo Si-nae
Lady / Detective


Shin Jae-in
Shin Jae-in
Shin Jae-in
Shin Jae-in
Shin Jae-in
Shin Jae-in

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