
Tonten's Journey (1974)

The story of a young man's search for his brother and his discovery of an exciting new nation...

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 27M

Director : Oliver Howes


A Pidgin language drama based upon the emergence of Papua New Guinea as an independent nation. A young coastal man, Tonten, is searching for his missing brother. During his travels Tonten meets and marries a Chimbu girl in the highlands, and then he makes his way over the mountains to Port Moresby, the capital of PNG. After finding his brother, Tonten and his wife return to a peaceful life in his village. Wokabaut Bilong Tonten was the first feature film shot in Papua New Guinea with an all-Indigenous cast.


John Venca
John Venca
Margaret Balim
Margaret Balim
Turuk Wabei
Turuk Wabei
Anton Sil
Anton Sil
Kaula Awi
Kaula Awi
Peg Balim
Peg Balim
Kaunsil Korol
Kaunsil Korol


Oliver Howes
Oliver Howes
Don Murray
Don Murray

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