
Varalaru (2006)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 37M

Director : K. S. Ravikumar


Shiva, the ageing business tycoon, bound to his wheelchair, sharing a strong bonding with his son Vishnu. Indulgent, while Vishnu whiles away his time with his cronies taking life easy. But then suddenly Vishnu starts behaving out of character, his drunken bouts and acts causing the father much shame and embarrassment. And when Vishnu professes to remember nothing of what he had done, the father takes him to a psychiatrist.


Ajith Kumar
Ajith Kumar
Sivashankar, Vishnu and Jeeva
Asin Thottumkal
Asin Thottumkal
Sivashankar's wife
Divya's father
Mansoor Ali Khan
Mansoor Ali Khan
Divya's brother
Divya's brother
Ramesh Khanna
Ramesh Khanna
Santhana Bharathi
Santhana Bharathi
Suman Shetty
Suman Shetty
K. S. Ravikumar
K. S. Ravikumar
M. S. Bhaskar
M. S. Bhaskar
Chitti Babu
Chitti Babu
Madhan Bob
Madhan Bob


A. R. Rahman
A. R. Rahman
S. S. Chakravarthy
S. S. Chakravarthy
K. S. Ravikumar
K. S. Ravikumar
P. C. Sreeram
P. C. Sreeram
Saindhavi Prakash
Saindhavi Prakash
Playback Singer

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