
War Note (2021)

Género : Documental, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 12M

Director : Roman Liubyi


Personal videos from the phones, camcorders, cameras and GoPros of Ukrainian soldiers are woven into a surreal journey to the frontline of the war with Russia. The film shows a bizarre world whose laws are quite different from what we are used to. The behaviour is different, the relationships unfold differently and the humour takes on different notes. The heroes wake up and fall asleep, rejoice and cry, always feeling that the recording may end at any moment.



Roman Liubyi
Roman Liubyi
Roman Liubyi
Roman Liubyi
Marko Suprun
Marko Suprun
Yevgen Shevchenko
Yevgen Shevchenko
Oleksii Boldyrev
Oleksii Boldyrev
Ivan Mateiko
Ivan Mateiko
Valerii Puzik
Valerii Puzik
Roman Bazenko
Roman Bazenko
Volodymyr Nebir
Volodymyr Nebir
Dmytro Babkin
Dmytro Babkin
Valerii Ananiev
Valerii Ananiev
Andrii Nidzelskyi
Andrii Nidzelskyi
Volodymyr Tykhyy
Volodymyr Tykhyy

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