
The Bachelor of Salmiya (1979)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : أحمد عبدالحليم


Hilal Haji Ramadan is a single person in Salmiya who is a reckless and wasteful person, which leads not to multiply debts on him and chasing his debtors, and he has a friend who is a doctor close to him, but on the contrary, he is a human being, a messenger and a shark lover. A day will come and meet Hilal his princess while she falls in the Salmiya market, and her princess is the beautiful rich girl. He falls in love with her, and the irony lies in that she herself is his fiancée, his close friend, and the events continue until the princess admires Hilal and his opposite personality of his friend and falls in love with Hilal.


Abdulhussain Abdulredha
Abdulhussain Abdulredha
هلال رمضان
Souad Abdullah
Souad Abdullah
Mohammed Al-Mansour
Mohammed Al-Mansour
الدكتور فايز
Mohammed Gaber
Mohammed Gaber
Saleh Hamad
Saleh Hamad
مندوب المحكمة


أحمد عبدالحليم
أحمد عبدالحليم
Faisal Al-Dahi
Faisal Al-Dahi
Director of Photography
Abdulhussain Abdulredha
Abdulhussain Abdulredha

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Recomendar películas

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Elect Mother of Ali
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Al-Manakh Knights
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The Victim of the House of Pride
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The Sword of the Arabs
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Bye Bye London
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Dr. Sunhat
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The Joy of a Nation
A Kuwaiti social comedy play presented to the leaders of the Gulf states at the Gulf Summit in 1985, which was written by Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Ridha, a satirical play that discusses family issues, family bonding and religious extremism, the play talks about the loss of children and the home, neglect of parents, and who is responsible for that.
The Minister’s wife
Her Excellency the Minister wife , a black comedy that reflects aspects of our bitter reality. There is no doubt that the theatrical drama since the first manifestation of its manifestation until now has not changed the law that Aristotle planned and codified for him, in addition to its dependence on the availability of the requirements of the dramatic conflict whereby he adopted the necessity of events and drew visions through beauty tools The technician is known, however, that the concept of conflict is beginning to change
Hello Bangkok
A social comedy play that shows what some young people do when traveling to some countries, where Saleh traveled with his owner - Bo Obaid to Bangkok, lying to his father Bousaleh on the pretext of searching for his son, but the son comes from London as soon as the father goes to the airport Bou Saleh and his grandson travel with the family of Sahib Saleh - Bou Obeid. Upon their arrival, the police in Bangkok arrest the grandson of Abu Saleh, why did the Bangkok police arrest the grandson of Bou Saleh? Is what Saleh said is true?
Home Protector
A political and social play in which the old narrator preaches and guides during the Iran-Iraq war, the bombings that occurred in Kuwait and the attempted assassination of the Emir of the State of Kuwait during that period, and the clear difference in opinions between support for stopping the war on Iran and the positions of the President of Iraq.
Bye Bye Arab
Kuwaiti social theatrics speaks about the life of the Arab citizen and his quest for Arab unity through the personality of (Arabs) who helps (genie Morgan) by going with him on a journey to reunite and unite the Arabs, but he is shocked by a bitter reality with which it is impossible to achieve this dream.
Demons of the Friday night
Demons of the Friday night, written by Saqr Al-Rashoud and Abdul Aziz Al-Sorayai, which was presented in 1973 by the production of the Arab Gulf Theater in Kuwait, a play with satirical critical positions that highlights many negatives in society in the form of critical paintings and these positions are the right man, the government routine, and what is going on in Some government ministries and the Kuwaiti employee who works and who do not work, spoke about Article 206, which prohibits the sale of alcohol and the reality of what is happening in hotels, as well as spoke about democracy and the National Assembly elections, Kuwait's political position on Arab and international issues and the shortcomings of the local press.
Patience has limits
An Old traditional Kuwaiti Family, facing and new wife comes to home from Egypt as home maid, this is when the jealousy start between the old wife and the new maid.
Kuwait in 2000
"Kuwait in 2000" is a Kuwaiti comedy play that explores the future of Kuwait during, and after the decline of oil, produced on February 5, 1965
Representative of The People
The Play Speaks about the problems during the 80’s during the parliament elections and the difficulties the people are facing in the State of Kuwait