Love & Stuff (2020)
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 19M
Director : Judith Helfand
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Dos amigos judíos muy entrados en edad (Allen y Turturro), ante una desesperada situación financiera, deciden probar suerte en el negocio de la prostitución masculina, uno como gigoló y el el otro como "representante". Pero el asunto no sentará precisamente bien en la comunidad judía en la que viven.
Una mujer que se crió en una familia ortodoxa judía regresa a su hogar con motivo de la muerte de su padre rabino. La controversia no tardará en aparecer cuando ella comienza a mostrar interés por una vieja amiga del colegio.
En un funeral judío con sus padres, una estudiante universitaria se encuentra con su amante.
Tras comerse un periquito, el gato de un rabino adquiere la capacidad de hablar, y no sólo eso, sino que se vuelve un estudioso de las creencias de su amo, criticándolas como sólo un gato podría hacerlo, y entablando una fuerte amistad con la hija del religioso.
Nueva York durante la década de 1940. Sigue la historia de dos adolescentes decididos a seguir siendo amigos a pesar de las profundas diferencias entre las dos familias.
Jerusalén, Israel. Los profesores Eliezer y Uriel Shkolnik, padre e hijo, han dedicado sus vidas al estudio de las escrituras judías. Eliezer es un erudito testarudo y metódico que nunca ha sido reconocido por su trabajo; Uriel es una estrella en ascenso, alguien admirado y alabado por sus colegas. El frágil equilibrio que ha mantenido casi intacta su relación personal se quiebra de forma inesperada debido a una simple llamada telefónica.
La reposición en Broadway de 2016 del musical de William Finn ganador del Premio Tony. Cuenta la historia de Marvin, un hombre de familia judío que deja a su esposa e hijo por su amante, Whizzer, durante el apogeo de la crisis del VIH en la ciudad de Nueva York de los años ochenta.
Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a solemn promise that they will all meet again a year later around the same table; but the storms of war and anti-Semitic fanaticism will lead each of them down very different paths.
Three siblings attempt to reconcile over their mother's suicide, torn between mourning and greed.
Secrets, lies, surprises and more are explored in this rich selection of gay short films from Israel.
The 6 short films are: Three (2018); A Trip to the Desert (2016); Rubber Dolphin (2018); Stav (2018); After His Death (2017); Leave of Absence (2016).
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Four 12-year-olds—Sharon, Tom, Moishy, and Sophie—prepare for their bar or bat mitzvot.
Picking up where "God Does Not Believe In Us Anymore" leaves off, Freddy struggles to find work after arriving in New York in 1940. His world of refugee acquaintances includes the depressed daughter of a poet/delicatessen owner, an aging surgeon who cannot find work, and a lovable charlatan photographer. Corti's trilogy continues with "Welcome in Vienna"
Maja, a Danish actress past her prime, falls in love with Leah, a young Jewish academic from London. Leah suffers a mysterious seizure, and Maja returns with her to London. There, she meets Leah’s mother, an overbearing woman who could hold dark secrets.
Yasmine, an openly lesbian Arab nurse, finds out that her lover, Or, an intelligence officer in the Israeli army has been reporting on their relationship. Yasmine's sister arrives for a visit from the West Bank, not knowing that she is going to meet the occupying enemy at her own sister's house.
The convoluted and moving story of Russian writer Vassili Grossman (1905-64) and his novel Life and Fate (1980), a literary masterpiece, a monumental and epic account of life under Stalin's regime of terror, a defiant cry that the KGB tried to suffocate.
Documentarian Judith Helfand adopts z daughter at the age of 50.
Documentary about the final performance of the "Brooklyn Baseball Cantata" led by Cantor Suzanne Bernstein in a small local reform synagogue.
"People of the Graphic Novel" is a playful introduction to the history of an art form: from the first "funny pages" to seminal artists including Will Eisner and Art Spiegelman.
Lithuania, 1941, during World War II. Hundreds of thousands of texts on Jewish culture, stolen by the Germans, are gathered in Vilnius to be classified, either to be stored or to be destroyed. A group of Jewish scholars and writers, commissioned by the invaders to carry out the sorting operations, but reluctant to collaborate and determined to save their legacy, hide many books in the ghetto where they are confined. This is the epic story of the Paper Brigade.