
Machine Gun Molly (2004)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 2M

Director : Pierre Houle


The oldest daughter of an impoverished Montreal family, Monique Sparvieri vows to find a way to get out of the ghetto in which she lives. Abandoned by Michael, the love of her life, Monique finds herself alone again when her second husband, Gaston, is sentenced to ten months in prison. While many other women her age are still dreaming of Prince Charming, Monique takes her own destiny in her hands. She and her new love, Gerald Simard, plan a series of bank robberies. Intoxicated by passion and success, Monique isn't afraid of anything and she wants to make sure that her children don't experience the same miserable upbringing as she did.


Céline Bonnier
Céline Bonnier
Roy Dupuis
Roy Dupuis
Patrick Huard
Patrick Huard
Frank Schorpion
Frank Schorpion
Rémy Girard
Rémy Girard
Isabelle Blais
Isabelle Blais
Marc Labrèche
Marc Labrèche


Pierre Houle
Pierre Houle
Luc Dionne
Luc Dionne
Scenario Writer
Sylvain Guy
Sylvain Guy
Scenario Writer
Lorraine Richard
Lorraine Richard

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