The Enochian System of John Dee (2009)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 27M


Introduces the historical background necessary for understanding the progenation of John Dee's Enochian system of Theurgy into the world. This video covers the social context of Elizabethan-era England during the lifetime of Dr. Dee. compares the Sigilum Dei Aemeth, as it was used by John Dee, to the Alberti cipher disk, a poly-alphabetic encoder. Dee's version of the Sigilum incorporated both letters and numbers as a means of describing rotation of the disk (or of its elementary components) either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Examines the method of skrying Dee used, a form of crystal-ball gazing, to create his more complex system of Enochian magic.



David R. Jones
David R. Jones

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