State of Exception (2007)

The history behind the relationship of the Theater Initiation Circle of the Academy of Coimbra and the protests and resistance to the Salazar dictatorship in Portugal

Género : Documental, Historia, Documental, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 25M

Director : Ricardo Seiça Salgado


Estado de Excepção is a documentary about CITAC (Coimbra Theater Initiation Circle), a university theater group, revealing history since it was constituted in 1956 until the aftermath of the 1974 revolution. It is the history of the theater group university and, through it, the history of theater in Portugal, revealing two remarkable decades of the History of Portugal. Through the Academy of Coimbra, the documentary reproduces student life, the position of women in society, and the change in mentalities of being and being in the world. It reproduces the existing censorship and the fight against the dictatorship, the resistance to an exhausted regime, as well as the emerging contradictions of the democratic revolution. CITAC has a heritage of 50 years of experience in Coimbra. It carries with it the possibility of the theatrical and civic formation of thinking bodies, constituting a proper ball of a possible model, generation by generation, between studies, theater, and social drama.


João Viegas
João Viegas
Feliciano David
Feliciano David
Leandro Vale
Leandro Vale
António Lobo Fernandes
António Lobo Fernandes
Helder Costa
Helder Costa
Eliana Gersão
Eliana Gersão
Emílio Rui Vilar
Emílio Rui Vilar
Manuel Valente
Manuel Valente
Helena Seabra
Helena Seabra
António Lopes Dias
António Lopes Dias
Celso Cruzeiro
Celso Cruzeiro
Carlos Avilez
Carlos Avilez
João Rodrigues
João Rodrigues
Clara Boléo
Clara Boléo
Joaquim Pais de Brito
Joaquim Pais de Brito
Germano de Sousa
Germano de Sousa
José António Bandeirinha
José António Bandeirinha
Aníbal Abrantes
Aníbal Abrantes
Rui Damasceno
Rui Damasceno


Ricardo Seiça Salgado
Ricardo Seiça Salgado
Joana Bem-Haja
Joana Bem-Haja
Director of Photography
Tiago Hespanha
Tiago Hespanha
Luísa Homem
Luísa Homem
João Dias
João Dias
Post Production Supervisor
Nuno Morão
Nuno Morão
Sound Designer
Whatever ™
Whatever ™
Graphic Designer

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