
Bobby Thompson: The Little Waster (1982)

Bobby Thompson...a legend in his own lifetime

Género : Comedia, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 18M

Director : Malcolm Dickinson, James Goldby


A series of anecdotes and monologues by County Durham comedian Bobby Thompson. Well known throughout the North East of England his 'Little Waster' character tells tales of debt, dole and wife trouble, while 'The Old Soldier' gives a hilarious account of his Second World War relationships with King George and Field Marshall Montgomery, providing a wry look at the class divide. Also included is a documentary film shot during his final years.


Bobby Thompson
Bobby Thompson
The Little Waster / The Old Soldier / Self
Tom Coyne
Tom Coyne
Self (Narrator)


Heather Ging
Heather Ging
Malcolm Dickinson
Malcolm Dickinson
Howard Beebe
Howard Beebe
Derek Smith
Derek Smith
James Goldby
James Goldby
Brian Holland
Brian Holland

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