
The Lesser Evil (1998)

Género : Drama, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 33M

Director : David Mackay


Twenty-two years ago four friends went to the quarry on the edge of town with a case of beer and a loaded handgun. At the end of the day the beer was gone, the gun was empty and a stranger lay dead at the bottom of the quarry. Now, the four are together again, trying to deal with their actions in the face of guilt and a new police investigation.


Colm Feore
Colm Feore
Tony Goldwyn
Tony Goldwyn
Arliss Howard
Arliss Howard
David Paymer
David Paymer
Steven Petrarca
Steven Petrarca
Young Frank
Jonathan Scarfe
Jonathan Scarfe
Young Derek
Adam Scott
Adam Scott
Young George
Marc Worden
Marc Worden
Young Ivan
Jack Kehler
Jack Kehler
Detective Hardaway
Anne Haney
Anne Haney
Derek's Mother
Mason Adams
Mason Adams
Derek's Father
Richard Riehle
Richard Riehle
Detective Smitts
Michael Harding
Michael Harding
Captain O'Brian
Debra Christofferson
Debra Christofferson
Matt Bohling
Matt Bohling
Dying Man
Chris Blackwelder
Chris Blackwelder


David Mackay
David Mackay
Jeremy Levine
Jeremy Levine
Stephan Schultze
Stephan Schultze
C. Daniel Hall
C. Daniel Hall
Art Direction
C. Daniel Hall
C. Daniel Hall
Production Design

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