
Al Ghasala (2020)

The Washing Machine

Género : Comedia, Fantasía, Ciencia ficción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 50M

Director : Essam Abdel Hamid


The fictional story of an advanced washing machine that's also a time-traveling machine. However, what it truly offers is conflicts and ironies upon its users.


Ahmed Hatem
Ahmed Hatem
Omar 30
Hana Al Zahed
Hana Al Zahed
Aida 30
Mahmoud Hemida
Mahmoud Hemida
Omar 60
Sherine Reda
Sherine Reda
Aida 60
Mohamed Sallam
Mohamed Sallam
Sameh 30
Ahmed Fathi
Ahmed Fathi
Taher Abu Lela
Taher Abu Lela
Sameh 60
Bayoumi Fouad
Bayoumi Fouad
Hashem El-Dabaa
Mahmoud El-Lisy
Mahmoud El-Lisy
Ali Al Tayeb
Ali Al Tayeb
Gilan Alaa
Gilan Alaa
Mohamed Tharwat
Mohamed Tharwat
Hasan Abu Al-Rous
Hasan Abu Al-Rous
Mohamed Gamal Qalbaz
Mohamed Gamal Qalbaz
Moustafa Haridy
Moustafa Haridy
Samy Maghawry
Samy Maghawry


Essam Abdel Hamid
Essam Abdel Hamid
Adel Salib
Adel Salib
Tamer Morsi
Tamer Morsi
Mohamed Elhusseini
Mohamed Elhusseini

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