
Hell Bank Presents: Running Ghost (2020)

Género : Comedia, Fantasía

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 22M

Director : Mark Lee


Singapore actor-turned-director Mark Lee’s Hell Bank Presents: Running Ghost, a Hong Kong-set Cantonese-language comedic thriller featuring Hong Kong actors Wong You Nam and Cecilia So


Wong Yau-Nam
Wong Yau-Nam
Wong Hui Kwai
Cecilia So
Cecilia So
Ling Kay
Jerry Lamb Hiu-Fung
Jerry Lamb Hiu-Fung
Zeno Koo
Zeno Koo
Ben Yuen
Ben Yuen
Man Kit Cheung
Man Kit Cheung
Venus Wong
Venus Wong
Bo Yee
Adam Pak
Adam Pak
Cheuk Wan-Chi
Cheuk Wan-Chi


Mark Lee
Mark Lee
Mani Man Pui-Hing
Mani Man Pui-Hing
Yim Mun Chong
Yim Mun Chong
Loo Chean Hoong
Loo Chean Hoong
Saw Yam Seah
Saw Yam Seah

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