
If I Only Had Christmas (2020)

Género : Romance, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M

Director : David Weaver


At Christmas, a cheerful publicist teams up with a cynical business owner and his team to help a charity in need.


Candace Cameron Bure
Candace Cameron Bure
Warren Christie
Warren Christie
Jaycie Dotin
Jaycie Dotin
Chelsea Gill
Chelsea Gill
Matt Mazur
Matt Mazur
Craig Haas
Craig Haas
Neil Webb
Neil Webb
Kate Gajdosik
Kate Gajdosik
Chris Gauthier
Chris Gauthier
Brenda Crichlow
Brenda Crichlow
Lucia Walters
Lucia Walters
Alison Araya
Alison Araya
Jordana Largy
Jordana Largy
Serge Houde
Serge Houde
Stephi Chin-Salvo
Stephi Chin-Salvo
Frances Flanagan
Frances Flanagan
Lydia Campbell
Lydia Campbell
Robert Markus
Robert Markus


David Weaver
David Weaver
Jim Head
Jim Head
Sarah Montana
Sarah Montana
John MacCarthy
John MacCarthy
Mick MacKay
Mick MacKay
Emily Merlin
Emily Merlin

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