I Love You (2011)

Género : Drama, Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Ate de Jong


A heartwarming South African romantic comedy starring Kurt Darren, Ilse de Vis, Christina Storm and Andre Frauenstein.


Kurt Darren
Kurt Darren
Dirk De Jong
Ilse de Vis
Ilse de Vis
Anna De Klerck
Christina Storm
Christina Storm
Lisa Sneiders
Andre Frauenstein
Andre Frauenstein
Danie Marais
Jenny Louw
Jenny Louw
Lindie De Wet
Kevin Leo
Kevin Leo
Giliam Winckler
Giliam Winckler
Ryno Janse Van Rensburg
Marlon Roelfze
Marlon Roelfze
Marianne Vorster
Marianne Vorster
Sanet De Wet
Gerrie Pretorius
Gerrie Pretorius
Neels Bromhof
Ate de Jong
Ate de Jong
Casper Leerkis
Gert Bekker
Gert Bekker
Gert Bekker
Loui Fish
Loui Fish
Loui Fish
Tamerin Du Toit
Tamerin Du Toit
Michelle Leibrandt
Michelle Leibrandt
Lynne De Jager
Lynne De Jager
Lani Laing
Lani Laing
Anastacia Ferrera
Anastacia Ferrera


Quintus Lubbe
Quintus Lubbe
Andre Frauenstein
Andre Frauenstein
Ate de Jong
Ate de Jong
Willemien Storm
Willemien Storm
Anton Ernst
Anton Ernst

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