
One Book at a Time (2020)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 5M

Director : Sadie Krall


Sarah Kamya is a school counselor in New York City. She began the project Little Diverse Libraries on June 3rd and has already raised over $13,000, supported black owned bookstores, and has distributed 775 books to Little Free Libraries across all 50 states. Sarah is helping educate communities while most importantly amplifying and empowering black voices.


Sarah Kamya
Sarah Kamya
Sarah Kamya


Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Sadie Krall
Danny Sullivan
Danny Sullivan
Editorial Production Assistant

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