
The Basic income, a cultural impulse (2008)

German-Swiss documentary that promotes the idea of a Basic income

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Enno Schmidt, Daniel Häni


"An income is like the wind beneath your wings" it says at the start of the film. Should this be an unconditional right for everyone? Is this at all possible - a financial human right? The film is exiting, moving, motivating and focuses on a precise rational point of view. It places the relationship and the main task of money under a new light. As a theme it is of the utmost relevance to our time. The video was used as a basis for discussion in numerous groups during the time the Swiss petition for a Basic Income to be included in the Constitution was under way.



Enno Schmidt
Enno Schmidt
Daniel Häni
Daniel Häni

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