
Urban Myths (2015)

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 16M

Director : Johnnard Harper


An up and coming film company comes up with a clever idea for a television series, in which the objective is for the film team to set out and disprove common urban legends. Although, past seasons of the show have seen good exposure, their success has been limited. The season kicks off with the story of Bloody Mary. with the research and equipment in hand the crew moves forward with the first episode of the season. As the recording proceeds, nothing could prepare them for the chain of events that takes place, as they will quickly find out, this myth is unlike any other myth they have attempted to tackle in the past.


JP DeStefano
JP DeStefano
Caitlyn Moore
Caitlyn Moore
Tina Fuller
Tina Fuller
Tabitha Fuller
Tabitha Fuller
Jordan O'Neal
Jordan O'Neal
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Jenna Garcia
Jenna Garcia
James Autrey
James Autrey
Reginald Peters
Reginald Peters
Ada Inyama
Ada Inyama
John Maciag
John Maciag
Peyton Cottrell II
Peyton Cottrell II


Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Steve Flanagan
Steve Flanagan
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Ken Hiller
Ken Hiller
Eli Lledo
Eli Lledo
Bruce Owdley
Bruce Owdley
Sergio Leroy
Sergio Leroy
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Executive Producer
Sunil Suku
Sunil Suku
Johnnard Harper
Johnnard Harper
Derek Huey
Derek Huey
Eli Lledo
Eli Lledo
Assistant Director
Bruce Owdley
Bruce Owdley
Second Assistant Director
Kate Laverty
Kate Laverty
Set Dresser
Jenna Garcia
Jenna Garcia
Location Manager
Christopher Hill
Christopher Hill
Script Supervisor
Eli Lledo
Eli Lledo
Production Assistant
Clean Pauk
Clean Pauk
Production Coordinator
Eli Lledo
Eli Lledo
Production Coordinator

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