Patton Oswalt: Finest Hour (2011)
Género : Comedia
Tiempo de ejecución : 59M
Director : Jason Woliner
Patton Oswalt brings his deeply insightful, creative comedy to topics such as trying to be a good example for his daughter, his bewilderment at why we still have circuses, and his run-ins with crack addicts in New York.
Fedoras, mom's underpants, and puppy love all make Jim Norton's s**t list in 'Mouthful of Shame'.
Carlin returns to the stage in his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatre in New York City for HBO®. His spot-on observations on the deterioration of human behavior include Americans’ obsession with their two favorite addictions - shopping and eating; his creative idea for The All-Suicide Channel, a new reality TV network; and the glorious rebirth of the planet to its original pristine condition - once the fires and floods destroy life as we know it.
Un "roast" es una tradición estadounidense, una fiesta en que amigos del homenajeado se turnan para ponerle verde y llamarle de todo... luego, como la cosa no deja de ser una fiesta, el invitado tiene turno de réplica. Comedy Central lleva años explotando este formato con estrellas caídas en desgracia que se prestan al juego, y el equipo mezcla comediantes habituales con invitados especiales que sí conocen al homenajeado. Este es el especial dedicado a Justin Bieber.
La historia ambientada en el mundo de los comediantes de standup (los monologuistas), y concretamente en George Simmons, un famoso cómico que descubre de repente que le queda poco tiempo de vida. George Simmons, que cree tenerlo todo, se da cuenta de lo que es estar cerca de la muerte, y a partir de ese momento pondrá todo su empeño en buscar aquello que realmente aporte significado a su vida.
Cuenta la historia real de Kumail y Emily, una pareja que se conoce en un espectáculo de comedia. Cuando parecía que todo iba a quedarse en un encuentro de una noche, su relación empieza a avanzar a pesar de las diferencias culturales, complicando las vidas de todos por las expectativas que tenían los padres de Kumail, musulmanes estrictos.
Back in Town is George Carlin's ninth HBO special. It was also released on CD on September 17, 1996. This was also his first of many performances at the Beacon Theater in New York City. He rants about Abortion, The death penalty, prison farms, fart jokes, free floating hostility and words.
El comediante mexicano Franco Escamilla saca sus chistes de las experiencias de la vida real y está dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa por el nuevo material. Él no tiene miedo de hacer generalizaciones sobre cómo los hombres se bañan. Pero tiene miedo de hablar con extraños. Especialmente en los funerales.
In front of a live audience at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina, the Emmy-nominated host of Real Time with Bill Maher performs an all-new hour of stand-up comedy. Among the topics Bill discusses in his ninth HBO solo special are: Whether the "Great Recession" is really over; the fake patriotism of the right wing; what goes on in the mind of a terrorist; why Obama needs a posse instead of the secret service; the drug war; Michael Jackson; getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan; racism; the Teabagger movement; religion; the health-care fight; why Gov. Mark Sanford will come out looking good, and how silly it is to ask "Why do men cheat?"; and why comedy most definitely didn't die when George Bush left office.
Comedy icon Dave Chappelle makes his triumphant return to the screen with a pair of blistering, fresh stand-up specials. Filmed at The Palladium in Los Angeles, California, in March 2016.
Pregnant again, Ali Wong returns to Netflix in her second original stand-up comedy special and gets real on why having kids is not all it's cracked up to be.
Lee Hayden es un actor de doblaje retirado e ícono del Western, pero sus mejores días y actuaciones han quedado atrás. Lee vive recordando sus años de gloria y fumando marihuana hasta que un diagnóstico de cáncer cambia sus prioridades. Ahora él tratará de reconciliarse con su hija distanciada, y buscará un último papel para consolidar su legado como actor.
En este monólogo especial Ali Wong analiza sus aventuras sexuales, el coleccionismo compulsivo, el feminismo y las dificultades para quedarse embarazada.
Rose Matafeo has kissed nearly 10 men in her life, AKA she’s a total horndog. But what is horniness? Is it that intangible essence of excitement and adventure that has inspired humankind since the dawn of time? An understanding of the overwhelming power of love as the key to true personal flourishing? Or is it simply wanting to bone everyone, all the time? Recorded at The Ambassadors Theatre, London.
A story of two stand-up comedians, Deep and Zoya, and how they try to navigate their way through their relationship while joking about it on stage!
Película basada en la vida del cómico Rudy Ray Moore, quien a menudo incluía en sus monólogos rimas bastante explícitas sobre distintos asuntos sexuales como las prostitutas, los proxenetas y los gigolós. Estas rimas las hacía siempre con ritmo y rapeando, lo que le valió el apodo de "padrino del rap", por el cual se le conoció hasta el fin de sus días. Moore llegó a lo más alto en los años 70, cuando sus grabaciones poco conocidas empezaron a hacerse populares entre la comunidad negra. El rapero aprovechó esos beneficios para hacer una película de gran éxito llamada Dolemite, centrada en un proxeneta con un harén de prostitutas expertas en el arte del kung-fu.
En poco más de una hora de duración, se trata de una adición ordenada al trabajo de Sr. Louis C.K., un escenario y un micrófono, actuando en el Comedy Store. Como de costumbre, su rutina cubre los temas habituales Louis, sus hijos, su divorcio, y cómo percibe la gente y la vida cotidiana. El espectáculo fluye bien, y contiene más de material de calidad suficiente para mantenerte sonriendo y riendo casi todo el tiempo.
Sobre el escenario del Teatro del Soho de Málaga, el actor Dani Rovira aporta su visión más sincera, delirante y sin filtros sobre el ser humano en estos tiempos.
Justo el guion es otra de las cosas que merecen la pena, en tanto que esta bien estructurado, con ideas claras y situaciones que vivimos cada día, mas con ese toque millennial que lo caracteriza. Un espectáculo no ha de ser eterno para ser bueno y en el caso del singular Maleducado aplica con perfección, puesto que te entretiene y divierte a lo largo de los poco más de cincuenta minutos de duración, que lucen perfectos y te dejan satisfecho.
Un retrato divertido, íntimo y desgarrador de uno de los comediantes más queridos e inventivos del mundo, Robin Williams, contado en gran parte a través de sus propias palabras. Celebra lo que trajo a la comedia y a la cultura en general, desde los días salvajes de finales de la década de 1970 hasta su muerte en 2014.
Emma y Dexter se conocen el día de su graduación universitaria, el 15 de julio de 1988. Ella es una chica de clase trabajadora que sueña con hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. Él es un joven rico con ganas de comerse el mundo. Durante los siguientes veinte años, las vidas de ambos se cruzan y separan, su amistad se debilita o se refuerza y comparten la risa y el romance, el dolor y la alegría. Pero por fin, un día, ambos se dan cuenta de que lo que habían estado buscando durante tanto tiempo estaba delante de ellos.
In this special, Patton Oswalt expresses his thoughts on many things in his life including his friends and his girlfriend in particular, who he thinks sucks the funny out of him. He explains why babies are a "bag of poop" and eating dinner at Black Angus is fit for a king. Oswalt holds nothing back when he deliverers his punch-lines! It's an hour of over-exuberant comedy!
Performing for a packed house at Spreckels Theater in San Diego, comedian Patton Oswalt delivers a blistering stand-up set in his trademark blend of acerbic wit and unabashed silliness. His topics include a wide array of modern issues, from the future of our nation to daddy/daughter outings gone wrong.
In the year 2011 the greatest tectonic disaster in the history of mankind has occurred. As a result of the catastrophic earthquakes North and South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia have sunken underwater while the Japanese islands remain untouched.
Broad satire and buffoonery presented as a series of movie trailers. Among the titles and subjects are: "The Howard Huge Story", "Skate-boarders from Hell", "The Invasion of the Penis Snatchers", Woody Allen (pre-Mia), movie trailer come-ons, Charlie Chaplin, war movies, Billy Jack. The source of the title is presented about an hour into the film.
Half-hour profiles of ten of the screen's masters of classic terror and suspense, based on the book THE FEARMAKERS (St. Martin's Press, 1994) by John McCarty.
From the legendary New York City music venue, the man The New York Times called “a master of the dirty joke” dishes on the taboos of growing up with step parents, how to navigate “the friend zone,” and why nobody should feel uncomfortable about cringe-worthy material at a comedy show.
Town Hall, New York City, 26 June 2000. An evening with Eddie Izzard in which she moves back and forth in time, with religion as the loose but constant theme.
Join the epic "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" cast of Saturday Night Live regulars in a hilarious compilation of the best holiday moments from the show's Christmas specials. Some of the highlights include "Martha Stewart's Topless Christmas Special," "The Lost Ending to It's a Wonderful Life," "The Night Hannukah Harry Saved Christmas," "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood on Christmas" and, of course, the Church Lady's drum solo.
Based on the picture book by Michael Foreman, WAR GAME tells the story of Will, Lacey and Freddie – three young Suffolk lads who leave their idyllic country lives to fight in the trenches of World War I. Surrounded by the chaos and confusion of war, they can only dream of their football team, their friends and the families they have left behind.
Un valiosísimo tesoro se encuentra en el fondo del océano, custodiado por unos enormes y letales tiburones. Mientras unos expertos buceadores intentan dar con el botín, los tiburones amenazan con organizar una masacre en la playa más cercana. Tan sólo un hombre, conocedor del peligro, podrá evitar la matanza, pero necesita que alguien crea en él... (FILMAFFINITY)
A spot-on, hilarious spoof of 1970s Japanese TV cop shows, THE RUG COP follows chrome-domed officer Genda as he transfers to a new precinct just as a group of radical terrorists hijack a shipment of uranium and deliver a ransom demand of five billion yen. Genda and his crack team of detectives must solve the case using their peculiar abilities: champion eater Detective Fatty, abnormally endowed Detective Big Dick, speedy weightlifter Detective Shorty, and ladies man Mr. Handsome. But most dangerous of all is the Rug Cop, whose projectile toupee proves lethal to wrongdoers! Kawasaki s unique comic genius and his love of vintage cop shows combine to produce a silly masterpiece that will have viewers truly believing in Rug Power!
When heads of state gather at the G8 summit in Japan, Guilala -- the intergalactic monster that had been banished from the earth in The X from Outer Space -- returns to ravage the Japanese countryside and threaten the world leaders. Military strikes prove futile against the beast, but a reporter learns that one rural community possesses a strange ritual that might influence the creature. Minoru Kawasaki directs this campy satire.
This DVD is a recording of the show Patton Oswalt performed at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia . It's a version of his Werewolves and Lollipops show, second solo album, and he ranges from talking about Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous bowls to his work as television writer.
This wild comedy pokes fun at the world of pro-wrestling by placing its accomplished wrestler protagonist Koji Taguchi against a giant squid known as the Calamari Wrestler. The Calimari Wrestler not only proves to be Koji's most difficult opponent yet, but also has an effect on several people's personal lives when he becomes the unlikely object of a young girl's affection.
The critically-acclaimed comedian, actor, writer, and voice of Remy the Rat (the Oscar®-winning Ratatouille) takes time out from his many film and television outings to return to the comedy stage for his fourth stand-up special.
Hark! The Herald Pundit Sings! America’s favorite Christmas tradition is now on DVD! Families have gathered around the TV to enjoy Stephen Colbert’s Christmas specials every year since 2008. Now, you can experience the joy over and over! Join Stephen and his friends—Toby Keith, Elvis Costello, John Legend, Feist, Willie Nelson, and Jon Stewart —for a yuletide evening of song, dance and nog-induced dementia. (Parental discretion is advised.) Remember, every time you buy a copy of Stephen Colbert’s Christmas Special, an angel gets his wings.
Tamura, un koala trajeado que ejerce como ejecutivo en una empresa de Tokio, es el principal sospechoso del asesinato de su novia. La misteriosa desaparición de su esposa años atrás y los extraños lapsos de memoria que padece no harán sino motivar todavía más la investigación del detective encargado del caso.
Jim leaves the bright lights of show business behind to settle down on his farmhouse in Connecticut… but life just isn’t the same without a bit of song and dance. Jim’s luck takes a spectacular turn when he meets Linda, a spirited schoolteacher with talent to spare. Together they turn the farmhouse into a fabulous inn with dazzling performances to celebrate each holiday, from Thanksgiving to the Fourth of July. But when Jim’s best friend Ted tries to lure Linda away to be his new dance partner in Hollywood, will Jim be able to salvage his latest chance at love?
Finally, a comedian who isn't whining, insulting or self-loathing. Kathleen Madigan is just brilliantly funny and is still, after 20 years in the business, actually having fun. In this hilarious stand-up special, shot at the Gramercy Theater in New York City, Kathleen takes on politics, American culture and her family who has given her full permission to sell them down them down the river. Winner of the American Comedy Award for Best Female Comic, Madigan has been seen over 12 times on The Tonight Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, The View, Dr. Phil, ESPN, The Joy Behar Show and has had her own specials on HBO and Comedy Central. Madigan was the only comedian in the history of NBC's Last Comic Standing to go unchallenged by any other comedian. She lives in Los Angeles but spends inordinate amounts of time with her family in the Missouri Ozarks.
Mike O'Donoghue's parody of "Mondo Cane" showcases curious performers, strange musicians, celebrity mutations and unusual short films, including Thomas Alva Edison's "Elephant Electrocution". In the tradition of films like Groove Tube (1974), The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977), and Saturday Night Live.