(Re)Claiming Indian Status (2020)

(Re)claiming Indian Status shares the stories of Indigenous women and families who fought to reclaim their Indian Status and advocated for the elimination of sex-discrimination in the Indian Act.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 32M

Director : Lese Skidmore


This documentary digs into the stories of Indigenous women and families to reclaim their Indian Status through their fight for the elimination of sex-discrimination in the Indian Act. It highlights the impacts of the law on individuals, families and communities. Since the passing of Bill S-3 and its amendments, thousands of Indigenous people are now eligible for Indian Status.


Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor
Frances Lankin
Frances Lankin
Lynn Gehl
Lynn Gehl
Matthew Wildcat
Matthew Wildcat
Robin Wallace
Robin Wallace
Woman Who Stands Strong
Woman Who Stands Strong
Amanda Middleton
Amanda Middleton


Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor
Daena Crosby
Daena Crosby
Executive Producer
Lese Skidmore
Lese Skidmore
Lese Skidmore
Lese Skidmore
Matt Gionet
Matt Gionet
Sound Designer
Regan Brodziak
Regan Brodziak
Lese Skidmore
Lese Skidmore
Daena Crosby
Daena Crosby
Deja Springfield
Deja Springfield
Jane Campbell
Jane Campbell
Mike McLaughlin
Mike McLaughlin
Director of Photography
Aaron Munson
Aaron Munson
Director of Photography

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