
Walpurgis Night (1935)

Género : Romance, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 22M

Director : Gustaf Edgren


Lena Bergström works in an office and is unhappily in love with her boss, Johan Borg. She decides to quit. Borg's wife won't have any children, and when she becomes pregnant she has an illegal abortion. For some reason, Lena's father believes that it is Lena who has had an abortion.


Lars Hanson
Lars Hanson
Johan Borg
Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman
Lena Bergström
Victor Sjöström
Victor Sjöström
Frederik Bergström
Karin Kavli
Karin Kavli
Clary Borg
Erik 'Bullen' Berglund
Erik 'Bullen' Berglund
Gustav Palm
Sture Lagerwall
Sture Lagerwall
Marie-Louise Sorbon
Marie-Louise Sorbon
Svensson's wife
Georg Rydeberg
Georg Rydeberg
Frank Roger
Georg Blickingberg
Georg Blickingberg
Linnea Hillberg
Linnea Hillberg
Smith's nurse
Stig Järrel
Stig Järrel
Torsten Winge
Torsten Winge
Press photographer
Olof Widgren
Olof Widgren
Crime reporter
Carl-Gunnar Wingård
Carl-Gunnar Wingård
Anders Henrikson
Anders Henrikson
Gabriel Alw
Gabriel Alw
Clary's cavalier
Aino Taube
Aino Taube
Lena's friend
Allan Bohlin
Allan Bohlin
Bergström's son
Torsten Hillberg
Torsten Hillberg
Detective constable
Helge Hagerman
Helge Hagerman
Bergström's son
George Fant
George Fant
Dancing student
Richard Lund
Richard Lund
'Doctor' Smith
Hjalmar Peters
Hjalmar Peters
Ivar Kåge
Ivar Kåge
Carl Deurell
Carl Deurell
Folke Helleberg
Folke Helleberg
Åke Uppström
Åke Uppström
Georg Fernquist
Georg Fernquist
Barbro Sohlman
Barbro Sohlman
Britt-Lis Edgren
Britt-Lis Edgren
Bengt Edgren
Bengt Edgren
Helge Mauritz
Helge Mauritz
Karin Granberg
Karin Granberg
Linnéa Edgren
Linnéa Edgren
Oscar Ljung
Oscar Ljung
Valborg Svensson
Valborg Svensson
Greta Berthels
Greta Berthels
Algot Persson
Algot Persson
Harry Philipson
Harry Philipson
Pekka Hagman
Pekka Hagman
Harry Hednoff
Harry Hednoff
Wictor Hagman
Wictor Hagman
Helge Andersson
Helge Andersson
Otto Kyndel
Otto Kyndel
Eivin Lagergren
Eivin Lagergren
Harry Isacsson
Harry Isacsson
Lill-Acke Jacobson
Lill-Acke Jacobson
Ulla Sorbon
Ulla Sorbon
Stina Sorbon
Stina Sorbon
Richard Lindström
Richard Lindström


Gustaf Edgren
Gustaf Edgren
Oscar Rydqvist
Oscar Rydqvist
Gustaf Edgren
Gustaf Edgren
Stellan Claësson
Stellan Claësson
Production Manager
Martin Bodin
Martin Bodin
Director of Photography
Eric Bengtson
Eric Bengtson
Original Music Composer
Arne Åkermark
Arne Åkermark
Production Design
Oscar Rosander
Oscar Rosander
Manne Lundh
Manne Lundh
Makeup Artist
Gaston Cornelius
Gaston Cornelius

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