
Quantum Code (2016)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 0M

Director : Santa Skutele


Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs is a man who feels the world with each single one of his atoms and breaks the stereotype about physics as a dry and impersonal field of science. In parallel to splitting electrons in the laboratory, he seeks a connection to the Almighty, and is a dreamer, an exceptional scientist, family man and educator, socially active and civically minded. What allows him, unlike most of us, to be so harmonious and seemingly omniscient? Together with quantum physicist, theological authority and Latvian patriot Vyacheslav Kashcheyev, the film searches for the code to modern-day life.



Santa Skutele
Santa Skutele
Santa Skutele
Santa Skutele
Jurijs Skorobogatovs
Jurijs Skorobogatovs
Director of Photography
Anrijs Krenbergs
Anrijs Krenbergs
Sound Director
Sandra Alksne
Sandra Alksne
Antra Cilinska
Antra Cilinska

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Rätselhafte Welt der Quanten