
The John Wayne Gacy Murders: life and death in Chicago (2020)

Género : Documental, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : John Borowski


Summaries "The John Wayne Gacy Murders: Life and Death in Chicago", Focuses on serial killer John Wayne Gacy's time in Chicago and includes information about Gacy's childhood, his career of crime in Waterloo, Iowa, and Gacy's becoming a celebrity in prison. Containing interviews with Chicago attorneys, news reporters, law enforcement officers, and history experts, the film illustrates what the atmosphere was like in Chicago when Gacy was murdering and ultimately apprehended. Gacy's time in prison as a celebrity serial killer is also explored in this groundbreaking film by Chicago native filmmaker John Borowski. —John Borowski



John Borowski
John Borowski
John Borowski
John Borowski
John Borowski
John Borowski
Robert Cappelletto
Robert Cappelletto
John Borowski
John Borowski

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