
We’re Still Here (2013)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 26M

Director : Zigurds Vidiņš


The film portrays the political situation in occupied Latvia 37 years ago, when writer Imants Ziedonis formed a group of like-minded peers into ‘’Dižkoku atbrīvotāji’’ – DAGi. Film reels and photos of the time show Imants Ziedonis and the DAGi participants – Māra Zālīte, Anna Žīgure, Roze Stiebra, Andris Buiķis, Vitolds Kucins and others. Today, with their contemporary experiences, they reflect on a time when the dream of an independent Latvia seemed impossibly far away. We’re Still Here reminds the younger generations that it’s possible to do good in the name your nation and its future not matter the circumstances.



Zigurds Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Director of Photography
Viestarts Vidiņš
Viestarts Vidiņš
Viestarts Vidiņš
Viestarts Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Zigurds Vidiņš
Mārtiņš Brauns
Mārtiņš Brauns
Normunds Deinats
Normunds Deinats
Sound Director

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Black Panther
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