
Canvascity (2016)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 28M

Director : Aleksandr Heifets


Tartu is a city in southern Estonia, whose streets and walls are awash with colorful pictures and thought-provoking messages. Who are the mysterious shadows lurking around at night with spray cans, and why do they do what they do? CANVASCITY is a story of Tartu street art through the eyes of its two most prominent rebels - MinaJaLydia and Edward von Lõngus.



Aleksandr Heifets
Aleksandr Heifets
Helen Vinogradov
Helen Vinogradov
Helis Hirve
Helis Hirve
Sven Sosnitski
Sven Sosnitski
Andre Pichen
Andre Pichen
Aleksandr Heifets
Aleksandr Heifets
Director of Photography

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