Where are the African Gods? (2018)

Lyricist Abbey Lincoln’s words are brought to life in this meditative portrait of black masculinity

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 4M

Director : Rodney Passé


A moving recording of the late writer and renowned jazz singer Abbey Lincoln is captured in this new film from Brooklyn-born director Rodney Passé, who has previously worked with powerhouse music video director Khalil Joseph. Reading from her own works, Lincoln’s voice sets the tone for a film that explores the African American experience through fathers and their sons.



Rodney Passé
Rodney Passé
Andrew Trost
Andrew Trost
Director of Photography
Shawn Peters
Shawn Peters
Director of Photography
Danielle Redman
Danielle Redman
Rodney Passé
Rodney Passé
J.P. Damboragian
J.P. Damboragian
Sound Designer
J.P. Damboragian
J.P. Damboragian

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