North Korean Partisan in South Korea (1990)
Género : Bélica, Historia, Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 37M
Director : Chung Ji-young
Reporter for a North Korean news service joins the partisans when the Americans and UN forces invade South Korea.
Un agente secreto, que oculta su verdadera identidad a su esposa, trabaja en un caso que afecta a todo el país de Corea del Sur. Chul-Soo es el agente secreto que esconde su ocupación a los demás, incluyendo a su esposa que es asistente de vuelo Young-Hee. Un día, Chul-Soo le dice a su esposa que él irá a Busan, Corea del Sur para los negocios, pero en realidad viaja a Bangkok, Tailandia, para llevar a cabo una operación nacional. Mientras que en Bangkok, Chul-Soo ve a su esposa Young-Hee, que se supone que está en Corea del Sur, con un hombre apuesto llamado Ryan.
Seúl, año 1993. Un exoficial es contratado por el servicio secreto de Corea del Sur con el nombre en clave 'Black Venus'. Tiene a su cargo la recopilación de información sobre el programa nuclear de Corea del Norte, y se infiltra en un grupo de dignatarios de Pyongyang para gradualmente intentar ganarse la confianza del Partido. Trabajando con total libertad en el corazón del país más secreto y peligroso del mundo, el espía 'Black Venus' se convierte en un peón en las negociaciones políticas entre los gobiernos de las dos Coreas. Pero lo que descubre puede poner en peligro su misión y aquello por lo que ha sacrificado todo.
Things That Do Us Part is a documentary that reframes the stories of three women fighters who dove into a tragic war in modern Korean history, using witness statements and reenactments.
With their long working hours, cultural obsession with productivity, and high-stakes schooling system, South Koreans live life in the fast lane. Everyone has the same aim: to be successful and to beat the competition. Thanks in part to this hard...
When an orphaned half Korean girl finds herself in small town America with her only living relative, she seeks out a mentor to help with the only things she loves - golf. The best player in town, the widowed optometrist, takes her under his wing, sending them on a journey to face their fear of losing loved ones and their game. The only problem is, he has three months to live.
"You belong to the country for the next two years." The film describes Woo-cheol's struggles with becoming part of a group while trying to maintain his individuality throughout his military service period. A humorous yet cynical portrait of military groupism.
A boy's experience as a fresh military recruit stationed at the North-South border in the late 1970s.
The piercing cold of 10 below zero wasn't even a problem. In February, 2009, about 400,000 people gathered in Myung Dong for a brief meeting for a single reason. The late cardinal KIM Sou-hwan became the first cardinal in a land of poor faith. He summoned up his courage when no one took action. He practiced love as a miracle until he left us. He was a respected senior of the society beyond the religion in the turbulent times; a figure whose life had been like a fence for the disadvantaged. The late cardinal KIM Sou-hwan was ‘a great man of the era’. His passionate love is now revived on the screen.
When poverty-stricken Korean-Japanese (Zainichi) discover there is valuable iron ore in the rubble of a destroyed shantytown they plan to haul it out for profit. Amidst this plan there is discrimination, war and an infatuation between a man and a woman, but like everything around them there and owing to the forces around them, there is as much chance that these may burn to ashes and be destroyed or be the beginning of something new.
Cuenta la historia de Ro Gi-Soo (Kyung-Soo Do), un soldado que se dedica al claqué que es capturado y hecho prisionero en un campamento durante la Guerra de Corea. La película se basa en el musical coreano "Rho Ki-Soo" dirigido por Kim Tae-Hyung.
Recording Nguyen Thi Thanh, the only survivor of Phong Nhi Phong Nhat massacre, where civilians were killed during the Vietnam War. Having lost all of her family at the age of eight and survived by herself, she is an open witness to the massacre of Vietnamese civilians and demands an official apology from the Korean government.
Tracing the footsteps of North Korean orphans who went to Poland during the Korean War, two women, one from the North and the other from the South, bond through the solidarity of wound and forge together a path toward healing.
On April 26, 2017, THAAD was deployed in Soseongri, accompanied by the military boots of the Korean police and the sneers of American soldiers, destroying the peaceful daily lives of those who live here. THAAD, meant to stop wars, turns Soseongri into a battlefield. The people in Soseongri lie down on the asphalt road again to protect their lives.
Gravity of the Tea is an Im Kwon-taek masterpiece (embracing the long time it took between his birth and the filming of the 102nd movie Revivre).
Once a mountain kingdom of ancient palaces and emperors, Korea in the 21st century is largely known for its modern cities and decades of conflict. Tensions between North and South may be what defines it to outsiders but beyond the battle scars there is another side to Korea. In the south are large pockets of untouched wilderness where extraordinary animals flourish and Koreans continue to practice age-old traditions in tandem with the seasons and with nature. It is in these connections, rather than in division, that we see the true Korea.
A Korean-American man cares for his ailing mother and tries to master her traditional Korean dishes.
30 de diciembre de 1941. Vyazma ('Caldero de Vyazemsky') es un pequeño destacamento de soldados soviéticos, por fatal coincidencia, en una desigual batalla con una unidad especial de la Wehrmacht. Sin embargo, ninguno de ellos piensa en rendirse. Cada uno de ellos estaba dispuesto a sacrificar su vida para proteger su tierra natal. Ninguno de estos valientes nació héroe. El mito del fantasma rojo es un acto heroico sin un soldado soviético en la Gran Guerra Patria que inculcó en los animales un miedo mortal a los soldados alemanes. En lugar de uno de los héroes muertos se insertó otro, y nació el mito del invencible soldado soviético. La película 'El fantasma rojo' trata sobre la esperanza que tendrá cada soldado.
Soñando con cambiar el mundo, Seo Chang-dae participa en la campaña política de Kim Woon-bum. Para resistir al actual partido gobernante dictatorial, Seo adopta una campaña de propaganda muy agresiva y convierte a Kim en el candidato más fuerte del partido de oposición. Cuando un ambicioso Seo cree que los medios injustificados son necesarios para la política, Kim cree firmemente que no se trata de una política real. Mientras su conflicto se profundiza, el partido gobernante contacta secretamente a Seo para ganar las próximas elecciones presidenciales.
The trials and tribulations of a platoon of U.S. Marines, led by 1st Lt. Frank Davis, during the Korean War.