Sugar Sammy’s bilingual show performed 100% in french, in Quebec! The show that struck a chord by playfully undertaking topics such as sovereignty and french language laws. A show that simply transcended comedy and marked Quebec’s cultural fabric in a profound way. A must see, if you're from La Belle Province!
A confused pair of airport luggage carriers get involved in the disappearance of some suitcases.
Año 2015, los últimos yacimientos petrolíferos se han agotado. El mundo se sume en el caos más absoluto. Para tratar de paliar la extrema situación se toma una medida drástica: reducir la población mundial. Se crea una droga que convierte a los humanos en bestias sedientas de sangre humana conocidas como "biosyns". Los biosyns están ciegos, pero su sentido del olfato y del oído están más que desarrollados. Max, es el único superviviente que día tras día se ve obligado a luchar a muerte contra los biosyns. Si al principio la defensa le resulta asequible, poco a poco parecen ir evolucionando y comportarse de una manera más inteligente: se comunican entre ellos, cazan en manadas y da la sensación de que recuperan la vista. La corporación que creó la droga, harta ya de que Max se pase el día masacrando biosyns, decide enviar un grupo de soldados modificados genéticamente llamados Trackers.
The last show with the two of them together, to relive all the madness of this comedians.
Elisabeth is persuaded to have killed her noisy upstairs neighbor, scientist Charles Magne. To save her, Mr. Matheu, Elisabeth's father, accuses himself while Pierrot, Elisabeth's fiancé gets rid of the body in order to save father and daughter. For his part, a gangster also believes he has killed the scientist but he gets shot down by a taxidermist, who runs for life. The girl, her daddy and her boyfriend also run away. But Magne is not dead. A bum is mistaken for him and a police inspector makes everyone believe that he is the one who shot the gangster. At the end of this crazy chain of events all the protagonists are reunited at the station house and everybody dances to express their relief.
Pétepan se entera de que los hermanos Robinhoude han perdido su dinero. Le pide a su ayudante que retire su cuenta del banco.
Recorded at the Grévin Sketches Theater: Intro, The psychotic neurotic, The artist released, IQ 130, Keep Sakharov, The stacks, The hangers, The Jews, Rachid, The wonder, The elevator, I want to kill someone , Ondine
The eccentric characters of a street from the comic designs of Andre Dubout are brought to life with human performers instead of drawings.