
In Perspective (2020)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 18M

Director : Viktor Pryduvalov


The owner of a large construction company struggles to get permission to build a house in a garden square. An unexpected parcel from an old friend helps him make the only right choice.


Roman Matsiuta
Roman Matsiuta
Iryna Verenych-Ostrovska
Iryna Verenych-Ostrovska
Viktor Pryduvalov
Viktor Pryduvalov


Viktor Pryduvalov
Viktor Pryduvalov
Viktor Pryduvalov
Viktor Pryduvalov
Evgen Kredentser
Evgen Kredentser
Director of Photography
Yevhen Petrusenko
Yevhen Petrusenko
Sound Director
Andrii Rizol
Andrii Rizol

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