Svetlana Boym: Exile and Imagination

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 59M

Director : Judith Wechsler


This documentary film is about the life and work of Svetlana Boym, literary and cultural critic, media artist, novelist and playwright. In 1980, age 21, Svetlana left the USSR for the US, unable to pursue studies at the Leningrad university because of the Jewish quota. After graduate studies at Boston University and Harvard, she became the Professor of Slavic and Comparative Literature at Harvard. A brilliant writer of ambitious scope and great imagination, combining personal memoir with philosophical essay and historical analysis, she explored motifs of exile, nostalgia, the diasporic imagination and different forms of freedom in Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Mandelstahm, Akhmatova, Brodsky, and many others, in a total of six books, with two more about to appear.


Dana Villa
Dana Villa
David Damrosch
David Damrosch
Donald Fanger
Donald Fanger
Guiliana Bruno
Guiliana Bruno
Masha Gessen
Masha Gessen
Yuri Goldberg
Yuri Goldberg
Musa Goldberg
Musa Goldberg
Sasha Sendrovich
Sasha Sendrovich
Susan Suleiman
Susan Suleiman
Tamar Abramov
Tamar Abramov
Vitali Komar
Vitali Komar
William Todd
William Todd


Judith Wechsler
Judith Wechsler

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