
Lunopolis (2009)

Género : Suspense, Ciencia ficción, Misterio

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Matthew Avant


Lunopolis is a 2009 direct-to-video science fiction film directed by Matthew Avant. The film is presented in found footage style and takes place in the weeks preceding the rumored events of the 2012 prophecies. Two documentary filmmakers discover a mysterious device and begin to unravel a conspiracy involving the moon, time travel, and a very powerful organization who will stop at nothing to protect their secret.


Dave Potter
Dave Potter
David James
Jed Himel
Jed Himel
The Director
Nathan Avant
Nathan Avant
Arte Richard
Arte Richard
Sarah Avant
Sarah Avant
Matt Romagosa
Matt Romagosa
Dark Assailant
Ray Blum
Ray Blum
Dr. Orin Raymond
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Hal Maynor
Hal Maynor


Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Hal Maynor
Hal Maynor
Michael David Weis
Michael David Weis
Matthew Avant
Matthew Avant
Hal Maynor
Hal Maynor

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