
The Day Will And Kate Got Married (2021)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 47M

Director : Janice Sutherland


Ten years on, The Day Will and Kate Got Married celebrates that momentous day through the memories of family, friends and insiders who played a part in it, including Kate’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, speaking exclusively in his first ever TV interview, former Metropolitan Police commander Bob Broadhurst who was in charge of security on the day, royal historian Robert Lacey, plus the dress’s embroider, the cake-maker, choristers and Middleton family friends and neighbours.



Adam Wood
Adam Wood
Online Editor
Ben Mullen
Ben Mullen
Helen Wood
Helen Wood
Production Manager
Alan Hill
Alan Hill
Sound Recordist
Alastair auld
Alastair auld
Lorraine McKechnie
Lorraine McKechnie
Executive Producer
Sue Summers
Sue Summers
Executive Producer
Janice Sutherland
Janice Sutherland
Janice Sutherland
Janice Sutherland

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