
Screams of a Winter Night (1979)

In the shadow of evil, in the echo of sins. In the icy stare of moonlight, our ghostly tale begins.

Género : Misterio, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : James L. Wilson
Escritor : Richard H. Wadsack


Ten college friends take a winter weekend camping trip to Lake Durand. The group holes up in an old cabin where the original owners were once found dead, with local Native Americans suspecting they were the victims of a spirit called Shataba. As the group nestles in for the night, they start telling each other scary stories.


Matt Borel
Matt Borel
John / Ron
Gil Glasgow
Gil Glasgow
Steve / Parker
Patrick Byers
Patrick Byers
Mary Agen Cox
Mary Agen Cox
Robin Bradley
Robin Bradley
Sally / Annie's Roommate
Ray Gaspard
Ray Gaspard
Harper / Billy
Beverly Allen
Beverly Allen
Jookie / Crazy Annie
Brandy Barrett
Brandy Barrett
Charles Rucker
Charles Rucker
Jan Norton
Jan Norton
William Ragsdale
William Ragsdale
The Kid - Service Station Attendant


James L. Wilson
James L. Wilson
Richard H. Wadsack
Richard H. Wadsack
James L. Wilson
James L. Wilson
S. Mark Lovell
S. Mark Lovell
Executive Producer
Richard H. Wadsack
Richard H. Wadsack
Don Zimmers
Don Zimmers
Original Music Composer
Robert E. Rogers
Robert E. Rogers
Director of Photography
Gary Ganote
Gary Ganote
Craig Mayes
Craig Mayes
R.C. Wilson
R.C. Wilson
Production Design
Mar'Sue Wilson
Mar'Sue Wilson
Costume Design
Cliff Blackburn
Cliff Blackburn
Production Manager
William T. Cherry III
William T. Cherry III
Special Effects

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