
100 Years (2021)

100 Years of Chinese Communist Party: Its Mark on Modern China

Género : Documental, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 49M

Director : Pearl Forss


As the Communist Party of China celebrates its 100th anniversary, this documentary looks back at the party’s history, from the 1920’s, to the Civil War, the Great Leap Forward, the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution and the reforms by Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. Did the Great Famine cost more than 15 million lives? How does the Cultural Revolution continue to shape Chinese politics today? What was capitalism like after Mao’s death? Through rare and never-before-seen historical footage, expert interviews and eyewitness accounts of the Great Famine, Tiananmen incident, and the Cultural Revolution, get to know how one party has so profoundly shaped China.


David Artlett
David Artlett


Pearl Forss
Pearl Forss

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