Vaccine War
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 48M
Director : Ryan J-W Smith
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
De repente, sin saber cuál es su origen, aunque todo hace sospechar que comienza con el viaje de una norteamericana a un casino de Hong Kong, un virus mortal comienza a propagarse por todo el mundo. En pocos días, la enfermedad empieza a diezmar a la población. El contagio se produce por mero contacto entre los seres humanos. Un thriller realista y sin efectos especiales sobre los efectos de una epidemia.
En este final de saga, Thomas lidera a su grupo en una última misión. Deberán entrar en la legendaria Last City, un laberinto controlado por WCKD que puede llegar a ser el laberinto más mortífero de todos. Cualquier persona que lo supere obtendrá las respuestas a las preguntas y los protagonistas quieren saber lo que realmente sucede.
Durante un apocalipsis zombie, un grupo de sobrevivientes se esconden en la isla de Alcatraz para escapar del aumento de las hordas de zombies. Cuando su refugio está lleno, y al enterarse de que un científico puede haber descubierto una cura, abandonan la isla para buscarlo.
Es el post-apocalipsis, y el mundo ha sido cambiado por "el accidente", un experimento de guerra química que salió mal. En un complejo subterráneo aislado, un grupo de personas sobrevive debido a que fueron capaces de conseguir el antídoto para la enfermedad. Rescatan un sobreviviente de la superficie de las gárgolas, que por desgracia tuvieron tiempo para fecundarle, y cuando el "bebé" nace se escapa por los conductos de ventilación
Tragedia que depende de la incomprensión, de la incultura, de la injusticia y de la ingratitud, magnificadas en un hombre para el que su bandera era la ciencia y de su aplicación dependía el bien de la Humanidad. Está estructurada en tres partes marcadas por acontecimientos relacionados con los estudios de Pasteur en el campo de la Microbiología y las enfermedades infecciosas: teoría microbiana de la enfermedad, mantenida a lo largo de la película y eje vertebrador de la trama, estudios sobre el carbunco e investigaciones sobre la rabia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cuenta la historia de un escándalo. Es la historia del "fraude médico más grande del mundo", en cuyo centro se encuentra nada más y nada menos que el C.D.C, el organismo gubernamental en Estados Unidos encargado de velar por la salud de los ciudadanos, el equivalente a nuestra Seguridad Social. Un documental, dirigido por el Dr. Andrew Wakefield, el gastroenterólogo británico acusado falsamente de iniciar el movimiento anti-vacunas cuando reportó por primera vez, en 1998, que la vacuna MMR (triple vírica) podría causar autismo. La película recoge entrevistas a expertos farmacéuticos, médicos, políticos, y a padres de niños dañados por vacunas.
An exploration into a possible link between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.
A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children tells the inspiring story of Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman, a man with a singular, unwavering focus — to eliminate the diseases of children. From his poverty-stricken youth on the plains of Montana, he came to prevent pandemic flu, develop the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, and invent the first-ever vaccine against human cancer.
A factual science based review and evaluation of vaccines and their impact on our health. Experts detail how fraught the widespread use of vaccines is for our current and future generations.
An in-depth look at the race to develop, manufacture and distribute a vaccine for Covid-19 - which may be the most monumental scientific achievement in modern history. Interviews with some of the main players take you inside the real-life drama as it unfolded.
Phyllis Coates, TV's erstwhile Lois Lane, essays one of her largest film roles in Blood Arrow. Coates is cast as a devout Mormon girl whose mission is to transport smallpox vaccine to her friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, this requires her to journey through hostile Indian territory. Appointing themselves as the girl's unofficial protectors are Indian scout Scott Brady, trapper Don Haggerty and (reluctantly) gambler Paul Richards.
As news of the coronavirus broke around the globe, a small group of scientists jumped into action to tackle one of the greatest medical challenges of our time: to create a vaccine against a virus no one had ever seen before, and to do so in record time, during a deadly, global pandemic.
This second episode of the Covidland series, The Mask, uncovers the real science behind face coverings and exploreds the physical and mental health impacts of facemasks.
A documentary about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Two bored mans talking about an interesting topic while everyone is condolences for a family who mourns the death of a loved one.
Shots puts an amusing spin on the little-known history of eugenics. It traces the genocidal, anti-ethnic eugenics movement which resulted in the sterilization and elimination of millions. It exposes how the wealthiest families financed the evolution of eugenics into Nazi Germany, and pushed America into perpetual wars. These families further influenced the government's elimination of financial liability for vaccine manufacturers while simulating run-ups to the 2020 pandemic. By that year the wealthiest had bought and controlled the media, and censored medical experts that criticized government actions. Shots illuminates how the government censored effective therapeutics, financially incentivized hospitals to adopt misleading reporting practices and deadly treatments, doubled global deaths with lockdowns, bankrupted small businesses, and allowed the most unsafe vaccines in a century.
This is a film that will give a voice to the science-minded moms - the women who are too often drowned out by the fear mongers, the shamers, and the CelebMoms. Through interviews with "science moms" who are on the front lines of this struggle, we’ll dissect the bogus claims of these celebrities one by one and explain in simple language what the science really shows about GMOs, vaccines, homeopathy, and any of these topics that are often in the headlines, yet even more often are misunderstood. We can’t change everyone’s minds, but we can make our voices heard. One mom at a time.
En Cuba, como en Estados Unidos, el cáncer de pulmón es una de las principales causas de muerte. Pero décadas de aislamiento económico y político han privado al país de recursos médicos, lo que ha llevado a los investigadores biomédicos de Cuba a inventar.
Adapted from a novel from sci-fi series by Kyr Bulychev about a little girl Alice. It's Alice's birthday and as a present she is invited by an old alien friend archaeologist Gromozeka to join him on an expedition to an alien planet Coleida which population was destroyed by a space plague a hundred years ago. Arriving at the planet they decide that Alice, using a time-traveling device, will go back in time to the day when the plague was brought in by their space expedition to try and save the planet from destruction by spraying the astronauts with a vaccine. To achieve that, she and another alien scientist professor Rrrr, who looks just like a cat, must make a long and perilous journey to the planet's spaceport.
The film looks behind the fear, hype and politics that polarize people into emotionally charged pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine camps with no room for middle ground. Verite stories of individuals and their families, whose lives have been forever changed by vaccine choices, interwoven with interviews from leading experts in the field, will re-frame the vaccine debate and offer, for the first time, the opportunity to have a rational, scientific and factual discussion on how to create a more effective vaccine program in America today.