
Blind Flight (2004)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 37M

Director : John Furse


The true story of Irishman Brian Keenan and Englishman John McCarthy's extraordinary relationship as hostages of militias in Lebanon during the 1979-91 Civil War.


Ian Hart
Ian Hart
Brian Keenan
Linus Roache
Linus Roache
John McCarthy


John Furse
John Furse
John Furse
John Furse
Ian Wilson
Ian Wilson
Director of Photography
Kristina Hetherington
Kristina Hetherington
Stephen McKeon
Stephen McKeon
Original Music Composer
Victoria Beattie
Victoria Beattie
Rhona Russell
Rhona Russell
Costume Design
Andrew Sanders
Andrew Sanders
Production Design

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