
Skinwalker: The Howl of the Rougarou (2021)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M

Director : Seth Breedlove


Do real werewolves exist? In the American south, legends tell of encounters with a creature that stalks the swamps and bayous. A creature who was here long before the immigrants who settled the region. An ancient evil called the Rougarou. Legends tell of a cannibal tribe of shapeshifters who retreated deep into the forests where they slowly lost touch with their humanity. A tribe who went on to become something far darker; a skinwalker. Now, nearly 400 years since the legend of the Rougarou first began to circulate, people are encountering the creature once again. The truth behind these vicious, horrifying brushes with the unknown will make your blood run cold. Does the Rougarou still stalk the swamps of southern Louisiana? The truth may surprise you...


Amy Davies
Amy Davies
Lyle Blackburn
Lyle Blackburn


Seth Breedlove
Seth Breedlove
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman
Executive Producer

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