
Les nouvelles Èves (2021)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Camille Budin, Annie Gisler, Jela Hasler, Thaïs Odermatt, Anna Thommen, Wendy Pillonel


June 2020, Corona, one year after the national women's strike. Six directors dive into the everyday life of six women and explore what it means to be a woman in today's Switzerland.




Camille Budin
Camille Budin
Annie Gisler
Annie Gisler
Jela Hasler
Jela Hasler
Thaïs Odermatt
Thaïs Odermatt
Anna Thommen
Anna Thommen
Wendy Pillonel
Wendy Pillonel
Anna Thommen
Anna Thommen
Camille Budin
Camille Budin
Thaïs Odermatt
Thaïs Odermatt
Annie Gisler
Annie Gisler
Wendy Pillonel
Wendy Pillonel
Jela Hasler
Jela Hasler
Gabriela Betschart
Gabriela Betschart
Anja Bombelli
Anja Bombelli
Salome Wüllner
Salome Wüllner
Karim Baghani
Karim Baghani
Sound Editor
Adrian Pfisterer
Adrian Pfisterer
Sound Designer
Adrian Pfisterer
Adrian Pfisterer
Liliane Ott
Liliane Ott
Judith Lichtneckert
Judith Lichtneckert

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