
A Crazy Town (1987)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Wang Fengkui


In a quaint small town, there was a thunderstorm at night and a scorching sun the next day. This strange weather that had not been seen in a century made people doubt whether an earthquake would occur.


Ren Weimin
Ren Weimin
Zhao Jun
Zhao Jun
Dengfeng Zhao
Dengfeng Zhao
Liu Tingyao
Liu Tingyao
Cui Muyan
Cui Muyan
Li Tiefeng
Li Tiefeng
Song Lijie
Song Lijie
Liu Tongyan
Liu Tongyan


Wang Fengkui
Wang Fengkui
Daoyuan Qian
Daoyuan Qian

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