
The Function of Fiction is the Abstraction and Simulation of Social Experience (2021)

"Do you masturbate?"

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 4M

Director : Mac Andre Arboleda


Image production is fiction-weaving. Together with Sheena Absalud, we spent an entire day in Pride Month in my room documenting ourselves using different cameras: three mobile phones, one action camera, one CCTV camera, and one laptop, while asking each other questions about our asexuality. Recognizing the role of the moving image in constructing prejudice, self-identity, and desires, and therefore the expansion of neoliberalism, "The Function of Fiction" attempts to abandon temptations to define “asexuality” and its place in the context of “LGBTQIA+”, in pursuit of new socialities and possibilities. Music in the film was spawned with plants and machines.


Mac Andre Arboleda
Mac Andre Arboleda
Sheena Absalud
Sheena Absalud


Mac Andre Arboleda
Mac Andre Arboleda
Geraldine Loares
Geraldine Loares
Mac Andre Arboleda
Mac Andre Arboleda

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