
Pops (2021)

Género : Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 20M

Director : Lewis Rose
Escritor : Lewis Rose


How would you react if your father's last wish was a little bit out there? For siblings Roz and Elli, it becomes a battleground for who will determine their pop's final journey.


Samantha Spiro
Samantha Spiro
Roz Jacobs
Nigel Lindsay
Nigel Lindsay
Elli Jacobs
Debbie Chazen
Debbie Chazen
Suzie Jacobs
Tallulah Conabeare
Tallulah Conabeare
Simmi Jacobs
Greg Haiste
Greg Haiste
Michael Slater
Michael Slater
Sol Jacobs
Richard Albrecht
Richard Albrecht
The rabbi
Gina Gangar
Gina Gangar
Crematorium receptionist
Sarah Thom
Sarah Thom
The nurse
Tessa Vale
Tessa Vale
Family friend


Lewis Rose
Lewis Rose
Lewis Rose
Lewis Rose
Sverre Sørdal
Sverre Sørdal
Director of Photography
Harry Brokensha
Harry Brokensha
Original Music Composer
Jan Schroeder
Jan Schroeder

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