
Stock: Released (1999)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 18M

Director : Chi Chi LaRue


There is a fine line that separates the world above from the dark underground-a line that maintains the division between the 'have's and the 'have-not's. It's either heaven or hell; ecstasy or despair. And for Casey Williams, this is something he is forced to learn. Roughly thrown into a crowded and dingy corral by Overseer Ross Vincent, this new member of the'stock' is about to learn the truth about the 'dark side' of life.


Tyler Hill
Tyler Hill
Mitchell Stevens
Mitchell Stevens
Kevin Miles
Kevin Miles
Chris Rock
Chris Rock
Thom Barron
Thom Barron
Karl Tenner
Karl Tenner
Marcelo Reeves
Marcelo Reeves
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Jens Hammer
Jens Hammer
Gregor Yelson
Gregor Yelson
Ross Vincent
Ross Vincent
Lorenzo Donado
Lorenzo Donado


Chi Chi LaRue
Chi Chi LaRue

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