Patrimonio de Galicia (2021)
¿Y para ti, qué es el patrimonio?
Género : Documental, Historia
Tiempo de ejecución : 2M
Director : Andrés Campos
Un trabajo de clase desencadena una conversación entre tres compañeros sobre qué es el patrimonio en Galicia.
Atraída por una promesa de herencia, una joven regresa a la aldea donde nació. Sin que ella lo supiera, los aldeanos esconden un plan siniestro, uno que puede requerir su propia muerte.
What does blood have to do with identity? Kendra Mylnechuk, an adult Native adoptee, born in 1980 at the cusp of the enactment of the Indian Child Welfare Act, is on a journey to reconnect with her birth family and discover her Lummi heritage.
A documentary about the life of the filmmaker’s grandfather and his life growing up in Fascist Italy to meeting his wife and immigrating to America.
Maximin, priest in a little village in the South-West of France, inherits from his brother a brothel in Thailand, although he's always been told it was a very strict catholic school. The journey to Asia is full of surprises (a plane hi-jack, pirates...) and once in Thailand, Maximin is taken into 'political' turmoils.
Un chico irrumpe en una clase de patrimonio para aclarar sus dudas al respecto.
Un renombrado criador de ostras en la bahía de Arcachon es víctima de un intento de asesinato. Sus tres hijas, viendo que la policía no encuentra al culpable, realizan su propia investigación.
Un trabajo de clase desencadena una conversación entre tres compañeros sobre qué es el patrimonio en Galicia.
Negotiating Amnesia is an essay film based on research conducted at the Alinari Archive and the National Library in Florence. It focuses on the Ethiopian War of 1935-36 and the legacy of the fascist, imperial drive in Italy. Through interviews, archival images and the analysis of high-school textbooks employed in Italy since 1946, the film shifts through different historical and personal anecdotes, modes and technologies of representation.
After the death of her father, whom she never knew, a young woman finds herself at the head of a large company.
A short documentary about the rapidly disappearing era of heritage movie palaces and the film going experience once offered within those hallowed walls.
A group of feisty, talented young performers pool their resources and buy a dilapidated theatre to showcase their acts – but unscrupulous property developers also want the theatre and resort to dirty tricks to disrupt the first night's performance!
For some time now, The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language is at the center of tough discussions. For some, it’s an institution which safeguards the most important principles of the language, but for others, it’s an anachronism of the Soviet regime. This film offers a first-time glimpse into the commission’s work
A house. A shelter. A man the last one left in the homeland. A woman returns to her community every year. The daughters and husband who have lost all traditions. A rapper who raps in the old language. In 1990 Susanna marries Udo. Their wedding is the last one celebrated between two Saxons in their village. After that the couple emigrated like half a million of Transylvanian Saxons. After 30 years in Germany the relationship between Susi and Udo has gone stale and they haven't taught their native language to their daughters that feel just German. Georg on the other hand is proud of his identity. He hopes with his rap to spread the young generations about the heritage to make them proud of being a Saxon. This is the choral story of a family who is learning to change in order not to disappear.
Motivated by family memories, a filmmaker returns to the land of his mother to reflect on his identity and deep cultural heritage.
Lia prepares for the future. Whatever it may be.
Después de defender los derechos de los ciudadanos africanos en Sudáfrica, Gandhi, considerando que también los hindúes son ciudadanos de segunda clase en su propia tierra, los incita a sublevarse contra el Imperio Británico mediante la doctrina de la no-violencia.
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.