
Sleepyhead (2021)

Género : Terror, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 11M

Director : Zach Busch


Following a one-night stand, a young insomniac wakes up in a luxurious Manhattan apartment where things are not what they seem. Something about his host is off. When she reveals that they are not alone, the red flags escalate into a waking nightmare.


James Baksh
James Baksh
Young Man
Michael Benzinger
Michael Benzinger
Blaine Fuller
Blaine Fuller
Young Man (sitcom)
Rachael Sonnenberg
Rachael Sonnenberg
Young Woman (sitcom)
Joecar Hanna
Joecar Hanna
Masked Figure


Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Zach Busch
Sara Crow
Sara Crow
Director of Photography
Noam Argov
Noam Argov
Martin de Crane
Martin de Crane
Executive Producer
Rachael Sonnenberg
Rachael Sonnenberg
Executive Producer
Rachael Sonnenberg
Rachael Sonnenberg
Set Decoration
Noam Argov
Noam Argov
First Assistant Director
Joecar Hanna
Joecar Hanna
Boom Operator
Joecar Hanna
Joecar Hanna
Sound Mixer
Nitzan Gabai
Nitzan Gabai
Jacob Dodge
Jacob Dodge
Health and Safety
Blaine Fuller
Blaine Fuller
First Assistant Camera
Rachael Sonnenberg
Rachael Sonnenberg
Production Design
Rachael Sonnenberg
Rachael Sonnenberg
Blaine Fuller
Blaine Fuller
Lighting Technician
Joecar Hanna
Joecar Hanna
Lighting Technician

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