
Total Therapy (1997)

Género : Suspense, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 5M

Director : Christian Frosch


Nine persons sign up for a self-awareness course at an isolated country estate. Dr. Romero, a charismatic therapist, and his assistants confront the patients with their problems. Cut off from the rest of the world, the participants are increasingly drawn into the therapy's spell.


Blixa Bargeld
Blixa Bargeld
Roman Romero
Sophie Rois
Sophie Rois
Ursula Ofner
Ursula Ofner
Walfriede Schmitt
Walfriede Schmitt
Claudia Martini
Claudia Martini
Joey Zimmermann
Joey Zimmermann
Haymon Maria Buttinger
Haymon Maria Buttinger
Roland Jaeger
Roland Jaeger
Hemma Clementi
Hemma Clementi
Sebastian Suba
Sebastian Suba
Eva van Heijningen
Eva van Heijningen
Lars Rudolph
Lars Rudolph
Heinz Trixner
Heinz Trixner


Christian Frosch
Christian Frosch
Christian Frosch
Christian Frosch
Johannes Hammel
Johannes Hammel
Director of Photography
Michael Palm
Michael Palm
Michaela Pedratscher
Michaela Pedratscher
Art Direction
Alfred Mayerhofer
Alfred Mayerhofer
Costume Design
Andreas Ruft
Andreas Ruft
Michael Palm
Michael Palm
Paul Browse
Paul Browse
Michael Seeber
Michael Seeber
Heinz Stussak
Heinz Stussak

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