
Harodongseon (2022)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 44M

Director : Kim Si-woo


On March 7, 1997, after losing the election, former lawmakers who were engaged in hiking and fishing opened a restaurant called Harodongseon. Rumors spread that the restaurant was opened by politicians, and it is crowded with customers every day, but they realize that the business is not very easy. This is because various people, including a suspicious-looking monk, a man who looks like a spy, a big autistic child who resembles Ureme, and fussy Gangnam nouveau riche have begun to cross the threshold of the restaurant.


Seo Jin-won
Seo Jin-won
Kyung Baek
Na Hye-jin
Na Hye-jin
Soo Young
Hwang Suk-jung
Hwang Suk-jung


Kim Si-woo
Kim Si-woo
Kim Si-woo
Kim Si-woo

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