The Marchioness Disaster (2008)

Género : Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Ken Horn


A factual reconstruction of the events leading up to, during and after the Marchioness was struck by the Bow Belle Dredger on the river Thames in August 1989, which killed over 50 people. The film was due to be broadcast by ITV in 2007 but complaints from some of the families of the victims led to it being withdrawn ahead of transmission. It has never been broadcast in the UK, but has been screened in France.


John Benfield
John Benfield
Peter Butcher
Robert Daws
Robert Daws
Cannon John Jeffrey
Alex McGettigan
Alex McGettigan
Lawrence Dallaglio
Peter Lorenzelli
Peter Lorenzelli
Vincent Dallaglio
Barbara Flynn
Barbara Flynn
Eileen Dallaglio
John Salthouse
John Salthouse
John Perks
Heather Tobias
Heather Tobias
Marie Perks
Sophia Di Martino
Sophia Di Martino
Erika Spotswood
Ellen Thomas
Ellen Thomas
Linda Hunt
Charley Speed
Charley Speed
Stephen Perks
Amy Perfect
Amy Perfect
Frances Dallaglio
James Roache
James Roache
Matthew Thompson
Daniel Casey
Daniel Casey
Douglas Henderson
Liam Noble
Liam Noble
Terence Blayney
Orlando Wells
Orlando Wells
Ian Philpott
Orlando Wells
Orlando Wells
Iain Philpott
Sarah Quintrell
Sarah Quintrell
Tamsin Cole
Maureen Bennett
Maureen Bennett
Jackie James
Harry Miller
Harry Miller
Huggy Leaver
Huggy Leaver
Eddy Quantrill
Caroline Wildi
Caroline Wildi
Maddie Anderton
Sarah Byng
Sarah Byng
Romola Pocock


Ken Horn
Ken Horn
David Yallop
David Yallop

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