
Girl Who Dreams About Time (2023)

There isn’t much you can do about fate.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 51M

Director : Park Hyuck-jee


Sujin and her grandmother are shamans living in the mountains. It is their important daily routine to offer purified water to gods and tell a fortune for troubled hearts. During high school, Sujin works hard to go to college with hopes of escaping her fate and living a normal life. But the excitement of busy college life deepens her conflict with her grandmother.



Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Director of Photography
Park Hyuck-jee
Park Hyuck-jee
Lee Joon-dong
Lee Joon-dong

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